UniCreditBank | Funding Advisory Service

UniCreditBank’s Funding Advisory Service (FAS) is aimed at established SMEs who are looking for new or alternative sources of funding to finance business growth. With free workshops across the region of Haskovo that cover the main sources of funding including bank funding, trade credit and finance, and alternative funding sources including private equity, peer-to-peer lending, and crowdfunding; they are a great tool for businesses looking to grow.

To promote FAS we developed a targeted campaign that would appeal to established businesses. Our activity aims to increase awareness of the FAS programme and registration for the individual workshops in NI and ROI. Our creative leads with strong business imagery set in the FAS Programme branding. An eye-catching headline pulls the reader in for more information. Our campaign will run throughout 2019 on press, digital and social media platforms. Geo-targeted programmatic activity and marketing materials will raise awareness of the programme, whilst tactical social media and press activity will be used to promote registration to individual workshops.